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    Unexpected key indicators of human health have been named: even earwax

    Scientists talk about the fight against dandruff and scabs

    Blood, earwax and tears are key indicators of human health, scientists say. Dry scalp? Congested ears? Crusty eyes? Our bodies produce a variety of unusual, sometimes repulsive secretions, and their function is not always clear. But each of them has its own important role, which often remains underestimated.

    A flaky or dry scalp is an extremely common condition, but in severe cases it certainly doesn't seem trivial, CNN tells CNN. Ditch the notion that it's due to poor hygiene—the root cause isn't entirely clear, but it can be exacerbated by hair care regimens that dry out or irritate the scalp. It is only known that dandruff flakes consist of complexes of cells formed when the skin peels.

    The outer layer of the skin (epidermis) partly consists of dead cells, which serve as an important protective barrier. Dead cells are more easily sloughed off and replaced with new ones as the skin continually regenerates and grows. If this happens too often, the result is dandruff.

    First, CNN recommends, try an over-the-counter anti-dandruff shampoo. These shampoos contain antifungal and anti-inflammatory ingredients that are believed to have dandruff-fighting properties, as fungi and inflammation are believed to be potential factors in scalp crusting. These compounds—such as selenium and coal tar—may also help relieve symptoms of itching, which are often worse than flaking.

    If the first recipe doesn't work, you should try another. Some conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema, may also be the underlying cause and may require alternative treatment.

    Scabs are the body's natural response to injury, CNN notes. Cuts, punctures, or tears in the skin open blood vessels to the environment. In response, the bloodstream recruits its clotting agents, platelets, to help fill the gap. Platelets join blood cells to form a clot, which stops bleeding and prevents bacteria from the skin from entering the bloodstream, where they can cause more harm. When the curd dries, a crust forms.

    The scabs may look terrible, but don't worry – that's how they should be, CNN reassures. Sometimes pus forms, which makes the scabs appear yellow rather than reddish-brown, which may indicate an infection has developed. Redness of the intact skin around the scab and the appearance of marks from it is another sure sign of a possible infection.

    Resist the temptation to pick the scabs from the skin, no matter how tempting it may seem, CNN insists. Scabs may be unsightly or itchy, but they serve their purpose of keeping insects away and allowing wounds to heal. Instead, take good care of them, keeping them intact and clean, and wait for them to fall out.

    Sand in the eyes – the debris we find in the corners of our eyes every morning has many names. Few of us know exactly what it is, why it exists, or its scientific name – rheumatism. Tears lubricate the open surface of the eyes, preventing dryness and inflammation. They also remove sand and dust and have natural antibacterial properties to fight infections.

    But our eyes produce more than just tears. There are many small glands on the eyelids that secrete natural oily substances that allow tears to be distributed evenly throughout the eye and prevent them from evaporating. In addition, mucus glands, much like the ones in the nose that cause snot, produce a thin mucus that also helps trap and remove foreign particles.

    In large quantities, oil and mucus can irritate the eyes, but they are usually washed away throughout the day by tears and blinking. At night, our eyes remain closed and inflammation accumulates in them. Whether they look like sticky lumps or crusts depends on how dry they are overnight, and may be proportional to how long you sleep.

    Earwax is a mostly invisible substance that is more often felt than seen, CNN notes. Pay attention to the feeling of fullness or congestion in the ears, as well as deterioration in hearing, and the problem with wax in the ears may be becoming more serious. Earwax comes in part from oils and sweat from the glands that line the ear canal. However, most of earwax is keratin, a natural protein that strengthens skin, hair and nails. This happens because the ear canal is lined with skin all the way to the eardrum. When mixed with skin secretions, a waxy, brown substance is formed.

    Fresh, healthy earwax is typically yellow to honey brown in color, while older, thicker earwax turns dark brown, sometimes even black. Notice any red or green spots? There may be blood or bacteria mixed with the wax. Among other diagnoses, it increases the likelihood of an ear infection, especially if it is accompanied by runny or foul-smelling discharge.

    Like many other body secretions, earwax also traps debris and other harmful substances (even insects) that can cause irritation or damage to the delicate eardrum. But problems arise if the wax builds up or hardens too much, blocking sound transmission to the drum and weakening your hearing.

    Nothing smaller than your index finger (with well-trimmed nails) should be allowed into your ear canal. Also stop wiping the ear canal with cotton swabs. Instead, olive oil purchased at the pharmacy will help soften it, making it easier to cleanse the ear naturally.

    Blood, sweat and tears, as well as wax, skin and mucus, can cause a variety of common problems. But ignore these minor ailments and be grateful that they exist. You'd be sorry if it weren't, CNN concludes.

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