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    Love, ban of Russia, Isinbayeva, dick pics: revelations of the sex symbol of world skiing

    Olympic champion skier Yulia Stupak is the new hero of the show Sport – “In a Nutshell.” One of the most beautiful athletes in the world spoke about the attention from fans and intimate photos from them, about family and love, about her attitude towards CSKA and the rank of captain of the Russian Armed Forces, about a trip to the 2026 Olympics and about the boundaries of the possible.
    – Julia, you really are a sex symbol of ski racing.

    – This is probably not for me to decide, but I liked the way it sounded. Let it be like this today! It's rare to hear something like this.

    – Rarely, because we are not shown so often?

    – We are not shown in our normal form so often . As a rule, we are always completely “walled up”. But still, people often pay attention to our appearance. Yes, yes.

    – Recently you were at the wedding of Natasha Nepryaeva and Sasha Terentyev. You probably had this Barbie image?

    – Well, yes. I really like this cool pink color, it's bright. It was the right look for me. I just like to be different. Being Barbie, being an athlete, being with big headphones and wide pants, I like that too. Come to the interview not in a black suit, but in my own clothes, which I started making.

    – People like you always attract a large number of fans. Are they bothering you too much?

    – Not really. It seems to me that everything is clear with me. In the sense that I have been in a relationship with my beloved man for a long time, I am a deeply family man. There were, of course, different moments, I won’t lie. Somewhere in Switzerland they gave bouquets of flowers and the like.

    – In Switzerland? What about a bank account or an expensive watch?

    – By the way, they didn’t offer it!

    – Who gave it? Bearded grandfathers?

    – I don’t know, there were no notes. Anything can happen. And in “direct” too. This is the simplest thing now – write on social networks. Some kind of stuffing, comments, compliment. But I don’t know what people expect. As a rule, this goes unnoticed.

    – They send all sorts of things via DM, probably?

    – All sorts of things. Not without this.

    – Do they go on the attack without defense, do they expose the most secret things?

    < br>
    – I declare: guys who want to send me some body parts, know that they are all immediately sent to the group to my girlfriends, and we laugh for a very long time. So it’s better not to do this.

    – Dikpics are for girlfriends.

    – Yes, dickpics are for girlfriends to be appreciated. Although no one appreciates it. I don’t understand why this is being done.

    – To seduce.

    < - Well, of course! Certainly! And I was immediately like, “Wow!” No!
    – Is your husband jealous? People are different, some are understanding, others are the opposite.

    – He's not jealous at all. At least it doesn't show it. He knows that I get a lot of attention. He understands that there are some tackles. But I have never given any reasons and never do. It is very important for me to be faithful to my beloved man. No options.

    – What kind of tackles and from whom?

    – First names, last names? Passwords, appearances?

    – No, categories, status of people.

    – Oh… Different. And there were such names! In skiing.

    – That is, the husband can only trust and be proud of his wife?

    – I hope! He just knows me very well. He knows that I am a very conservative person. Despite the fact that I am very open, in terms of family and friendship, I do not change people.

    – That is, marriage for you is something sacred. Once and for life.

    – It seems to me that everyone wants this.

    strong>- But not everyone succeeds. Sometimes perceived as a financial and economic union.

    – Nikita, God forbid it comes to this! I don’t fly in the clouds that “that’s it, once and for the rest of my life,” but, of course, I would really like it. I understand that this is a very big job. A man grew up in a different city, in a different family, he was alone, and I was different. It's normal to grind and quarrel. It seems to me that we have completely different views in life at every moment. For the same sport. But in our dispute the truth is born.

    – For example, Kramer or Wart! And who is the boss in the family?

    – I thought you were going to ask: “Who is the boss: Kramer or Wart?” In the family – definitely not me.

    – Arseny, son?

    < br>– Arseny manipulates us like that normally. It seems to me that children can do this from birth.

    – The view on raising children often quarrels parents.

    – By the way, we have a very similar view on raising a child. We are conservative in terms of education. This is where we are similar.

    – I’ve been wanting to ask for a long time. How did Nikita manage to win your heart?

    – It wasn't easy. And Nikita will probably now say: “Yes, she came to me herself!” I was such a flighty girl. In the sense that I didn’t need a relationship, just sports. And although we have been together for the 11th year, I still think how it happened that I didn’t have time to look back, and I have a husband, a child, a full-fledged family, medals from all competitions. Overall, he was the most confident, the most persistent. I was immediately captivated by the fact that he was very reasonable and much more mature than the guys I talked to.

    “In Italy everyone beamed when they saw me”
    – In Europe, at major tournaments, many people are already tipsy at the start of ski competitions, and their wives are already carrying them back completely drunk. In Norway, people can grill kebabs along the route, or they can be caught doing their business right next to the ski track. In Dresden, I even had to watch elderly fans urinate in front of Zwinger.

    – We don’t have that. About the barbecue: in the same Holmenkollen at the Royal Marathon there is a very cool atmosphere. When there are a lot of people along half the route, they grill kebabs. They also offer this kebab! My husband once ran and said: “I’m eating and I can’t anymore, I want to eat! I couldn’t stand it, I took it.” It smells like meat. He ate a couple of bites and ran on. Such a cool chill, the aromas.

    – Do you miss this chill?

    – I miss it, yes. I miss the type of cross-country skiing that we are all used to. This intensity of passions, the constant goals that you set, which are always in front of your nose. This is cool.

    – Are you in contact with skiers from other countries?

    – Yes.

    – Now it turns out that the Scandinavians are speaking out harshly against our admission. What do they write to you?

    – Again, when I came to Italy for the training camp that year, it turned out that all the countries there lived in this hotel. Oh, how they shone! How glad they were to see you! I don’t know, if they lied, then it’s at least strange. You could just pass by, and they would come up and say: “Yulia, we miss you very much!”

    – Then many accused you of almost treason. Like, the athlete went to Italy. They thought that she had escaped from Russia. There were also suspicions about a possible change of citizenship. It’s strange that no one tried to lure you away.

    – Why is it strange? It seems to me that it is clear to us that we will not do this. Even Marcus and I never even once discussed this. The man knows me.

    – Yes, Marcus himself has been Russian for a long time!

    – Of course, he still hopes that he will work with us someday. He knows us like his children. Yes, it must be cool to run somewhere there. But for me there is nothing better than being at home.

    – Is he drawn to this situation? In my opinion, Kramer is your favorite coach.

    – So he is no longer my coach. He is part of my family. He misses him very much, we communicate constantly. We have even pushed back some sporting moments. The main thing is support. He really doesn’t want Serega (Ustyugov) and I to end our careers. He tries to imbue us with this energy as much as possible, that we still have so much ahead!

    – And what do you answer him? What is your long journey from five Spartakiads?

    – Nope. According to my mood. Marcus says: “The Olympics are coming soon in Italy.”

    “Being good at twirling your booty does not mean dancing well.”
    – So, your goal is the 2026 Games?< /strong>

    – Yes, I can’t leave now just because I have these Olympics!

    – Do you believe 100% that you will go there?

    – I believe. I understand that maybe we won’t have it. But if I think like that, I’ll end my career. There must be an incentive.

    – Still, no matter how much they talk about our internal competitions, high prize money, and so on, nothing can replace the Olympics?

    – There is no substitute for the Olympics. What can replace it with? It's not even about regalia or financial aspects. This is a feeling that you cannot experience anywhere else. Nowhere. I have a long journey, I’m 28 years old, and I’ve been skating since I was six years old. And I understand perfectly well that these feelings are born and die at the same moment. Feelings that are given to you only when you are standing on the pedestal. This is how our life is structured: from and to the Olympics.

    – Two-time Olympic champion Elena Isinbaeva recently stated that her major rank is nominal. The rank of captain of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is not nominal for you?

    – Nevermind.

    – Are you proud of your title?

    – Of course. I would like to go even higher!

    – Major, then, like Elena Valerievna – lieutenant colonel? Before the general?

    – Such a general will be normal, I think! In general, this is such a moment… This is important for me.

    – Vyalbe’s opinion on neutral status, admission to competitions, how influential is it?

    < br>– In fact, the opinion of the federation is the most influential. Regarding admission and all this fuss: I hope that we all, like a big family, will sit down and talk about this topic.

    – Elena Valerievna now says absolutely clearly: “My athletes do not will go in a neutral status, I’ll find words to convince.”

    – I didn’t hear that.

    – You should go under a neutral flag ?

    – How do I drive?

    – And in the future? Then there was another reason, but now the SVO is underway.

    – I know one thing: I really want to go with my anthem and under my flag. I don’t know how it will be there. More than two years before the Olympics, I have no idea how it will all be. But I want to go with my flag at least once.

    – Olympic champion in short track speed skating Semyon Elistratov says that Vladimir Putin should express his opinion. “Waiting for the team.”

    – In order not to wait, but to develop and live, you need to now go more into your development. I'm dying for this topic. Be that as it may, external circumstances should not influence the internal state. Yes, sports could end tomorrow, I understand that. Anyone can get injured. Will I be ready for this? No. How will I cope? I don't know yet. I will look for options.

    – Where do you see yourself in the future? Here, again, Ustyugov said that he couldn’t do anything else except ski racing, so he continued his career. Two-time Olympic champion Maxim Trankov said that he finished his career, and there is nothing except figure skating.

    – I think that skaters have much more opportunities. Let's be honest, this show is all kinds.

    – But again, it's all about figure skating. A person cannot switch.

    – Go into the media. Now there is a very big boom in media exposure for figure skaters. They have a very good start in scaling their personality. Skiers have problems with this. We don’t like media. We are more focused on a long career in order to protect ourselves as much as possible from bad thoughts. Nobody reads the news, as a rule. It’s your own little world, but it’s as if there’s nothing around. I am now very interested in media. See how I generally look on camera.

    – If you were invited to “Dancing with the Stars,” would you go? Or to some semi-professional dance show.

    – It seems to me that this show no longer exists. Just because I twirl my butt well doesn't mean I'm a good dancer. I would try myself, for example, in “Ice Age”. Although I'm not particularly good at skating. But it's interesting and beautiful. Although I would try in dancing! This is the most new type of activity for skiers.

    – In what direction will your child move? Typically, professional athletes do not want to send their children to follow in their footsteps.

    – I would really like it to be a sport. This is the most beautiful path there can be. There are different people in sports, they are wired differently. Sports have long been not only about physics. Sport is when you put physics on a par with what’s in your head and heart. Total – 30%. And we'll give 10% to luck. It's impossible to achieve anything without pushing boundaries. After examinations, they constantly ask me how I run in general, my performance is much lower, average. Over time, I understood the reason. Marcus highlighted this to me: there are no limits at all.

    – Short track coach Sebastian Cros said that you don’t need to plow more and more, but you need to plow as much as you need.

    – As much as you need – this is the most difficult thing. More can always be done. 1% of people do it perfectly. We have such people. If we take the best skiers of our country. Let’s say those who train with Yuri Viktorovich (Borodavko). They have it perfect – it's about plowing. But I saw dozens of people who did not have that much health. Take a little away from them, and they will run differently.

    – We have this “plowing” in all sports, as if it is already part of the DNA. Eteri Tutberidze's girls perform in figure skating. What is its slogan? “We continue to work.” If something doesn’t work out for a girl, she comes out and says: “I’ll continue to work.” This is a lot of talk and talk.

    – But working hard and pushing the boundaries won’t work either. It's always about a lot of work. But the tear needs to be partially done. But not every day, for sure. This is probably why they call me the “high girl” on our team. I have a very different view of preparation. But the fact that I don’t work is nonsense.

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