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  5. Conservative mayor hopes to promise Ulez referendum for London boroughs


Conservative mayor hopes to promise Ulez referendum for London boroughs

Samuel Kasumu was Boris Johnson's special adviser number 10 but retired in 2021. Photo: David Rose for The Telegraph

Outer London boroughs to hold referendum on whether to remain in Sadiq Khana (Olez) Ultra Low Emissions Zone, in line with plans drawn up by Conservative Mayor.

Samuel Kasumu said he would give areas affected by the upcoming expansion of Ulez a vote on whether to stay in or leave the zone if he is elected mayor next year.

Mr Khan intends to expand the Ulez zone. to cover all 32 districts in August, with vehicles that do not comply with emission standards being forced to pay £12.50 each day in tolls.

Mr Kasumu, 35-year-old former adviser to Boris Johnson at Downing Street is seeking the Conservative nomination to take on Mr Khan in the May 2024 mayoral election.

Speaking to The Telegraph, he said that Ulez would be «a key battlefield» in the race for mayor. The project is a huge controversy, with many people living in outlying areas of London complaining that they don't have enough public transport links to reach London's hinterland.

Postcode map 1803 ulez

Mr Kasumu, in currently councilor for Welwyn Hatfield City Council and a member of its cabinet on climate change and the environment, said he was «just as passionate» about environmental issues as Mr Khan.

But explaining his disagreement with Ulez, he said: “You have to do everything responsibly and you have to be able to take people with you. You can't just impose your will on people who don't want it.»

However, with the expansion due eight months before the mayor's vote, opponents of the scheme face the difficult question of how to respond.

Mr Kasumu said: «Our challenge as conservatives will be to understand how we can responsibly repair any damage that has already been done by the time we take office.»

He said that «total cancellation» of the renewal could cause legal problems, adding to the additional costs of the scheme. Instead, he plans to give a «democratic mandate» to every London suburb, giving them the opportunity to vote on whether to stick to Ulez or not.

“I promise to hold a local referendum in every London borough within the first 12 months so they can choose how to respond to what Sadiq has done,” he said.

Mr Kasumu said he will explore «digital options» for referendums that «will help reduce some of the costs», although alternatives will be available for those who do not have access to digital technologies. According to the plans, the councils will be able to apply to the authorities of Greater London for grants to hold referendums.

He said he would limit the vote to areas affected by the extended area because it would be a «challenge» to «unravel Ulez in central London» and «doesn't seem to be where there is significant demand from the inner city». Parts of London, at any rate.

Samuel Kasumu, Conservative challenger for London mayor

He said it would be 'very easy' and 'a bit like Brexit' — 'in or out and we we will respect any choice they make,” but added that he expected “an overwhelming majority to vote to cancel it.”

This political commitment is likely to mark the start of a bidding war in which Conservative candidates will fight for support from the bottom of the party with pledges against Ules.

So far, only two Conservative candidates have entered their candidacies for mayor, and Andrew Boff, member of the London Assembly, also stated. More candidates are expected this spring.

Mr Kasumu, who grew up in Barnet in north London, joined the Conservatives when he was 19 years old. He served as Mr. Johnson's special adviser at number 10 but retired in 2021. In a leaked resignation letter, he accused the party of «choosing to pursue divisive politics.»

He acknowledged that the nature of his resignation could be an obstacle to his winning the nomination, but pointed to a YouGov poll last week. showing that the Tories are 40 points behind. The Labor Party in London when it comes to the intentions of the Westminster vote.

“London is at a crossroads,” he said. “Most Londoners are not thrilled with Sadiq's performance, but at the same time… it's a challenge for a conservative brand. What is needed is a candidate who is seen as an outsider in some respects, but who also adheres to very clear conservative principles.

“If you go with someone who is or has been a minister, you are going to spend the next year, defending a 13-year-old Conservative policy that may work in parts of the UK but clearly won't work in London.»

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