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  5. «Rural Surcharge» meaning the cost-of-living crisis will hit you harder ..


«Rural Surcharge» meaning the cost-of-living crisis will hit you harder in the countryside

Three-quarters of suburban homes are offline, compared to less than one in 10 suburban homes

Village Premium is forcing residents rural areas pay up to 20% more than the cost of living, the report says.

Agricultural communities «may be hardest hit» by current economic pressures resulting from weakened energy security and worse infrastructure than their urban counterparts.< /p>

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Rural Business collected data from industry bodies, constituencies and businesses as part of an investigation leading up to its publication.

It found that people in rural areas typically need to spend 10% to 20% more for daily needs than residents of cities and towns, despite the fact that the average wage is about 7.5% lower.

Three-quarters of rural homes are offline , the report says, compared with less than one in 10 in suburban areas.

This has left these households more vulnerable to price spikes amid global supply chain shocks and the invasion of Ukraine.

in rural areas, residents of districts spend 10–20% more on daily needs than residents of cities. Photo: iStockphoto

Evidence presented by the charity Rural England Community Action (ACRE) warns that one in seven (14 per cent) village councils are considering closing in the next six months due to their energy bills, noting that the closure was «simply because they don't feel they can afford to heat their homes.»

The gap between rural and urban areas also extends to fuel: rural households spend nearly £800 more a year on fuel than the Countryside Alliance, people living in urban areas drive 49% longer on average than residents villages.

ACRE also reported during the investigation that rural areas have «less good access to the cheapest food,» while elsewhere in the report there were warnings that some communities were at risk of becoming like to the «food desert».

cost of living in rural areas

The report added that village shops struggle to compete with larger retailers on the price of their products as villagers visit less frequently due to the cost of living crisis and only buy an average of three items.

International However, three out of ten rural businesses have difficulty hiring due to their remote location and lack of convenient transportation, compared to four percent of urban firms.

Another challenge for these businesses comes from the finding that less than half of them are getting good 4G network coverage, which has been described as «likely limiting mitigation measures and options for many companies.»

The report calls on ministers to draw up an economic plan for the countryside. businesses, more ambitious housing plans, funding for warm community centers and expanding the rural fuel tax exemption scheme.

Vulnerability of the rural economy

Julian Sturdy, Conservative MP for York Outer and co-chair of the investigation, said: “This report shows beyond a doubt that those who live and work in rural areas are at a huge disadvantage. This advantage is further eroded in difficult economic conditions.

“Now the government needs to show that it is ambitious for the rural economy and work with all departments to develop a serious set of policies that will help the economy grow, create good jobs and strengthen communities in all parts of the country.”

Rural versus urban spending differential

Mark Tufnell, president of the Country Land and Business Association, accused successive Labor and Conservative administrations of «turning a blind eye» to the vulnerability of the rural economy.

» We desperately need a credible and ambitious plan for the rural economy; not only to protect these communities from economic shocks, but to unlock their enormous potential,” said Mr. Tufnell.

will continue to suffer, as will our economy.”

Less than half of all farmers plan to vote Conservative in the next general election, according to a Farmers' Weekly, held in December.

Labour support has increased. significantly in rural areas since 2020, while YouGov analysis earlier this month suggested that Reform UK is also on the rise and could rob the «rural right» in the next general election.

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