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ZenМОСКВА, 14 января Президент России Владимир Путин поприветствовал участников, организаторов и гостей II Международного конкурса вокалистов и концертмейстеров имени Хиблы Герзмавы, отметив, что проект,...
ZenВОРОНЕЖ, 15 января В Воронежской области в результате падения нескольких беспилотников произошел пожар на территории нефтебазы, сообщил в своем Telegram-канале губернатор Александр Гусев.«В результате...
ZenСАНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, 15 янв. В центре Санкт-Петербурга столкнулись два автомобиля, в результате чего один из автомобилей отбросило на тротуар, где он наехал на пешехода, сообщает...
В Латвии националист напал на женщину, говорившую по телефону на русском языке Максим Константинов/Global Look Press тестовый баннер под заголовком image Test banner under...
Lucid Air, the company's first car, which was unveiled in 2016 Credit: Lucid Air For a long time, there’s only been one player worth...
A composite image of the attacker, who had a white Swastika painted backwards on his forehead, has been released A manhunt is underway after...
More than one in five people living in the state of Lagos in Nigeria had Covid-19 antibodies at the end of October, according to...
People in England could be issued with certificates confirming their Covid test and vaccine status, as part of a potential plan to help some...
Canada has become the second country in the world to describe China’s treatment of its Uighur minority as a genocide, following a contentious parliamentary...
Chinese officials did “little” in terms of epidemiological investigations into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan in the first eight months after...
In early February, Erika Martinez of Fresno, California, lost her father, Thomas Martinez, 57, and her 33-year-old brother Andrew Martinez Garcia, to Covid-19 within...
Donald Trump will reportedly tell the Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida this week he is Republicans’ “presumptive 2024 nominee” for president. Republicans failing...
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg It was a battle that gripped the world, pitting one of the world’s most powerful men against an entire nation. ...
Migrant labourers are being worked to death in searing temperatures in Qatar, with hundreds estimated to be dying from heat stress every year, a...
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