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“Rejoining the EU as an associate member would mean overturning the democratic will of the British people.”

'The Blob will be delighted by this as it will relieve Brussels of responsibility for their continued failures' says Telegraph reader

The news that the UK could return to the European Union as an «associate member» under France and Germany's plans to expand the bloc has become an explosive talking point for Telegraph readers.

The plans, unveiled on Tuesday, would see Britain contribute to the EU budget and be subject to a decision by the European Court of Justice. In return, the UK will participate in the bloc's single market.

In an exclusive poll carried out by this newspaper, the vast majority of more than 28,000 readers voted against the prospect of Britain returning to the EU as an associate member. .

Should the UK return to the EU as an “associate member”?

Thousands of Telegraph readers have also taken to the comments section to voice their opinions, with many arguing there is nothing to justify Britain's association with the EU and returning to it would be a betrayal of democracy.

“Nothing has changed to justify association with the EU or anything else”

Carol Waters, for example, argues that “democracy will die if what people voted for will be ignored!

Another reader, Christian Janson, shares a similar view and sees the plan as “an attempt to overthrow the democratic will of the British people, and they expect us to pay for it.” do it.”

Mr Janson goes on to add: «The Blobs will be delighted with this as it will relieve Brussels of responsibility for their continued failures.»

Labour leader Keir Starmer has suggested he would prioritize securing a better trade deal post-Brexit deals for the EU. Britain if he wins the next general election, as he held talks with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on Tuesday.

“Undermining the biggest democratic mandate in our history says a lot about both the EU and Keir Starmer,” he said. says a Telegraph reader. Photo: Laurent BLEVENNEC/Présidence de la République

Some readers condemn the way the proposal came about, believing that «the EU is negotiating with the opposition to the elected government to undermine the largest democratic mandate in our country.» history says a lot about both the EU and Keir Starmer.”

For the readerGordon MarshallHowever, “it was never about the EU.” In his view, “Brexit was about leveling up the United Kingdom, and until that happens nothing will change to justify association with the EU or anything else. One step forward, two steps back.”

Similarly, Roy Garner emphasizes his desire for independence and highlights the difference in Keir Starmer's views with the majority of the UK population.

“Starmer and his team are taking stupidity to a new level. Associate membership means accepting and obeying every rule emanating from the Brussels madhouse, and we do not take any part, but obey. How much money does Starmer plan to give British taxpayers again for the privilege of being abused by the EU?

“Labour has a very different idea of ​​Britain as an independent country than most of us,” Mr Garner argues.< /p>“Our Brexit is a shadow of what it should be.”

However, others believe the current state of Brexit represents a failure on key issues such as managing illegal immigration.

On this subjectMalcolm Scogginswrites: “What we voted for was still ignored. We cannot deport illegal migrants because the EU courts do not allow us to do so. We haven't rolled back any EU rules because civil servants refuse and this government is just wringing its hands.

“Our Brexit is a shadow of what it should be, and since we haven’t really left, it’s easy for Remains supporters to take us back.”

Although some have compared this plan to the modern one imperialism.

An anonymous reader, for example, suspects that the EU «only thinks about such things when it is trying to plug a hole in its budget while simultaneously wanting to take control of as many countries as possible (without a say in the rules)» . .

“This is modern imperialism, where the vanquished must pay for their own subjugation.”

Meanwhile, reunification with the EU by association is a welcome idea for some readers.

Don Holt, for example, argues that “despite the expected knee-jerk reaction from Brexiteers, the reality is that we need some kind of association with the EU that will facilitate trade on a daily basis and reduce the regulatory burden.»

Mr Holt, however, disagrees with the title «associate member», saying that «anything with the term 'member' in it is doomed» and suggests the alternative title «Associate Trading Partner, Trading Emphasis» to make it clear that reason for association.”

What associate membership of the EU could mean for Britain “Associate membership will turn us into legislators.”

Some readers believe that a return to the EU is inevitable. James Sebsuggests: “It’s good to see that this political reality will be accepted sooner rather than later.”

“Returners should also not tire of pointing out the fundamental failure of the Brexiteers: to achieve their Brexit, they lied about us being rule makers rather than rule makers when we had full voting rights in the EU.”

He further adds, “Associate membership will turn us into rule enforcers. Fortunately, this state of affairs will not be politically sustainable for long, opening the way to full reunification in the medium term. And for the sake of our economy, it's all for the good.”

Another reader, C Holiday, argues: “Brexit supporters should respect their fellow citizens. The score of 48 to 52 is no excuse for fighting India or Australia and ignoring neighbors right on our doorstep.»

On a similar note, Lewis Davis shares his concerns that the Leave referendum from the EU was unable to determine what future relations would look like. He argues that Britain «has since endured years of utter chaos, trying and failing to find consensus or a way forward.»

ReaderSteve MaxDavidclaims post-Brexit trade agreements with The US and India have so far been unsuccessful. He counters: “How long are we going to continue with this ridiculous idea that we are better off leaving the second-largest trading bloc?”

What do you think of the UK's proposal to return to the EU as an «associate member»? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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