MOSCOW, December 1The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation will support the State Academic Bolshoi Theater in a “light moment of turbulence” during a change of leadership, said the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Lyubimova.
Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation announced that Valery Gergiev has been appointed general director of the Bolshoi Theater theater for a period of five years. Vladimir Urin was relieved of this position at his own request.
“»The big plans of the Bolshoi Theater, the big plans of the Mariinsky Theater will be supported in every possible way by the Ministry of Culture. We will also try to do all the work of all workshops, all deputies in this such an easy moment of turbulence, transition to be there, answer all questions on time, give hints, be in touch, help and support,” said the head of the department at the Bolshoi Theater at the presentation of the new director.
Last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with prize winners in the field culture and art suggested that Gergiev think about creating a joint directorate of the Bolshoi Theater and the Mariinsky Theater. A year later, on May 2 of this year, at a meeting with Putin, Gergiev admitted that he was ready for large-scale tasks in working with theaters, “a thorough analysis of the state of 20-30 theaters in Russia.” He emphasized that he could put maximum effort into solving the theaters’ problems. In addition, Gergiev told the president about the idea of creating four large cultural centers.
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