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Honored Cultural Worker of Russia Perlov died

MOSCOW, February 19 Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, researcher at the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin Boris Perlov died at the age of 83, the museum reported.
«Boris Ilyich Perlov, leading researcher at the Department of the Ancient East of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, passed away on February 16 at the age of 83,» reports Telegram — museum channel.
It is noted that Perlov worked at the Pushkin Museum for about 50 years, 44 of which he kept the collection of Western Asian art. Long, painstaking work led to the publication in 2014 of the first volume of “Cuneiform Texts in the Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.” “Boris Ilyich dreamed of holding the second one in his hands,” noted Perlov’s colleagues.

«Organized and responsible, always benevolent, responsive, ready to help in word and deed, with a wonderful sense of humor, Boris Ilyich was the embodiment of intelligence. He lived his life with dignity. We will remember,» the museum concluded.< br />

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