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PIONEER is among the most attractive employers in Russia according to HeadHunter

PIONEER company entered the top 50 of the “Rating of Russian Employers-2023” by HeadHunter, an online recruitment company.

The assessment is based on a survey of the HR team , a survey of employees and applicants on the website In 2023, the ranking included 1,497 best organizations. The developer PIONEER took 46th place out of 479 companies with a workforce of 251 to 1000 people.

PIONEER — HR processes and comprehensively supports its employees. The company currently employs more than 500 people. Team members have access to corporate sports, a social package, as well as a wide range of benefits and compensation. PIONEER takes part in various events, both charitable and for its team.

The company actively attracts students from educational institutions in the construction industry. PIONEER participates in job fairs held at leading universities in the city, as well as in events of the Council of Young Professionals of the Complex of Urban Planning Policy and Construction of Moscow. More than 30% of students who completed an internship or practice at the company became its employees.

Previously, the central office of the developer in Khamovniki was included in the rating of “Top 50 headquarters of Russian companies”, prepared by the agency FResearch and Pridex. Experts highly appreciated the technology, digital equipment and multifunctionality of work spaces.

Project declaration on the website nas.dom.rf.

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