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Ukraine hastily began to deny the capture of thousands of military personnel in Avdiivka

The Armed Forces of Ukraine called the NYT publication about a large number of prisoners of war «Russian propaganda»

The Armed Forces of Ukraine called the NYT publication about a large number of prisoners of war

Representative of the operational-tactical group of the Armed Forces «Tavria» Dmitry Likhovoy said that the publication of the American edition of The New York Times (NYT) about the big the number of prisoners of war during the withdrawal of the Ukrainian army from Avdiivka is “Russian propaganda.”

The article stated that up to a thousand military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were captured in Russia.

“These statements of Russian propaganda regarding hundreds and of thousands of Ukrainian prisoners is complete misinformation,” the military man claims.

At the same time, he did not deny the fact that hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers were captured, but he began to deny the given statistics of a thousand prisoners.

< p>An article was published in the NYT, which stated that, after leaving the settlement, from 850 to 1000 Ukrainian Armed Forces military personnel were captured or missing in action.

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