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The Ministry of Defense has not deployed nuclear weapons in space, Shoigu said

MOSCOW, February 20 There are no projects to place nuclear weapons in space, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told reporters.
Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on Tuesday. At the meeting, Putin asked Shoigu to pay attention to an issue that is not related to current events on the contact line — the issue of the noise that has recently been raised in the West, including in the United States, regarding the deployment of nuclear weapons in space.

«Firstly, this does not exist. There are no such projects to place nuclear weapons in space,” Shoigu said following a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, answering the corresponding question.

He added that the United States is aware of the absence of such projects.
The United States needs horror stories about nuclear weapons in space so as not to remind itself once again that it does not have such weapons as the Russian Burevestniks and Poseidons » and «Daggers», «Vanguards» and «Peresvets», Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told reporters.

«I don’t understand, frightening senators and congressmen with something that doesn’t exist, when there are real things that need to be feared and paid attention to About them publicly in 2018, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the President of our country said that we have started and we have advanced to a fairly high degree of readiness in the development of weapons such as Poseidon, Burevestnik, Avangard, Peresvet, Dagger “, Shoigu said following a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“Burevestnik,” according to him, is a weapon of global action. “But for some reason they don’t talk about this, they talk about what doesn’t exist. So, from this we can conclude that they are afraid to once again be reminded that they do not have these weapons,” the minister added.
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