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RTD made a film about the largest zoo in the DPR with rescued animals

MOSCOW, 24 MAY— .RTD made a film «Noah's Ark. The History of the Donetsk Zoo» about the largest zoo in the DPR, where thousands of animals from different parts of Russia, rescued from war zones, found shelter, reported in RT Documentary press service.

«Zoo in the village Pridorozhny is the largest in the Donetsk People's Republic. Thousands of animals from different parts of Russia, rescued from war zones, have found shelter here. First-grader from Donetsk Dasha Kuzina travels 20 kilometers from the city with her classmates almost every weekend to forget about the war for a while, to see. rare animals and help the zoo owner take care of them,” the press service said.

“The director of the zoo is an amazing person. It is only thanks to his work and incredible resilience that the zoo is alive, and the animals affected by shelling can continue to live,” shares the author and director of the film, Aigul Erbulova.

Tigers, lions, monkeys, ponies, camels, crocodiles — about 20 thousand animals and birds live on an area of ​​five hectares, and they need to be fed two to three times a day. There is a lot of work, few workers, but the zoo lives, despite the shelling.
The founder of the zoo, Gennady Kryazhev, has been taking animals from battlefields for the last ten years, treating them and giving them a home. Therefore, next to the homes of the original inhabitants, entire alleys of enclosures for dogs, cats and other animals left without owners appeared.

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The story of the deputy director of the zoo, Alexander, is no less striking. Being a militia member, he lost two daughters, and now he cannot fight. With his only son, he came to the zoo as a visitor and stayed to work here.
The premiere screening of the film “Noah’s Ark. The History of the Donetsk Zoo” in Russian took place on May 23 on the RTD TV channel, in English the film will be shown on May 24 on the RT TV channel. Immediately after the television premiere, the project will be available for viewing in the free online cinema Artel.doc.

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